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The term "dark Magick" is used to describe both black magick and gray magick, which is basically any type of magick that is of not white nature. Black magic is very powerful, and also extremely dangerous to even toy with. Unfortunately it is also very enticing, especially to those who seek revenge against others, power over others. Or the attainment of selfish whims and desires. It is this false promise of power without cost and the idea of greedy wishes granted that lures the naïve into the darkness that lies to a spider’s web. Once trapped in it, the unsuspecting will find themselves rapidly heading down the road to self-destruction because whatever harmful energy one sends out to others is returned to the send there times as strong. This threefold karmic retribution is known as the Threefold Law, or Law of Three. It works every time you do something bad, even if you don’t Believe in magick or Karma. The Threefold Law also works every time you do good. What every you do will come back to you three times, so doing good is more preferable than doing evil. So be sure to think twice before you get into a situation or when spell casting. Gray magick is a type of magick that incorporates the elements of both positive and negative. White magick that borders on being black is generally considered to be in the category of gray magick. Although gray magick is not considered by most to be as wicked as black magick, it nevertheless contradicts the Wiccan Rede; therefore, karmic consequences of one sort or another must inevitable be faced by those who choose to work with it.


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